The Most Common Meditation Myths by Gen Zen Meditation
The Most Common Meditation Myths Busted by Gen Zen Meditation
You've all tried meditation, right? Maybe you’ve downloaded an app in lockdown, watched some guided meditations on YouTube, laid down at the end of a yoga class, or maybe even attended a meet up at your local Buddhist centre. But did you know meditation is one of the most misunderstood wellbeing trends? And done right, it can be the most beneficial thing you can learn?
In this article, meditation teachers Dan and Sarah from Gen Zen Meditation break down some of the most common myths they hear about meditation.
Meditation Means Sitting Cross Legged With Your Arms Held Out
If this is comfortable for you, then great. But this position is often uncomfortable, painful or impossible for many. Sit upright in a comfy chair with a straight back and your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and you're good to go!
My Mind is Too Busy to Meditate
This is a big one. We have 60-80,000 thoughts a day. Trying to stop an active mind is like trying to stop your heart beating. Thoughts are part of the meditation process, so it's vital to work with them, not against them. Think of thoughts as stress leaving your body - good meditation teachers teach you how to allow that to happen.
Meditation is the Same as Mindfulness
Mindful meditation involves focusing to calm a busy mind and become present in the moment. This is different from a silent mantra meditation which is different in that it will take that calm mind a step further and transcend beyond thoughts entirely allowing your body the deepest of rest - to de-stress, repair and rejuvenate.

I Can't Sit Still Long Enough to Meditate
You don't have to be a statue to meditate. Fidget, readjust, cough, scratch, stretch, look at your watch... it's your meditation!
Meditation is Religious
Whilst many religions incorporate meditative elements in their practice, we don't attach any religion to our teaching, in fact, people of all faiths can (and do) practice our form of meditation. The meditation technique we teach, Vedic mantra meditation, originates from the 5,000 year old Vedic tradition of India which is associated with Nishkam Karma Yoga.
I've Tried Meditation, It Doesn't Work
We hear this a lot. Maybe you didn't have the right teacher or have guidance to find the right style of meditation. What we love about Vedic mantra meditation is that it is simple, natural and effortless. And even if you don't believe it will have any benefit for you, it will still give you all the benefits. It just works. Our tip: find meditation teachers who offer free, no obligation intro talks and connect with them. What have you got to lose?
I Don't Have Time to Meditate
We get it. We're all busy, but once you realise the physical and mental benefits on offer it will become just as important as showering or brushing your teeth. Make it a 20 minute non-negotiable activity every morning (and try 20 mins less social media a day!).

About The Author: Gen Zen Meditation
Dan and Sarah formed Gen Zen Meditation in 2024 and are certified to teach by international wellness guru Deepak Chopra’s ‘Chopra Foundation’. They are on a mission to teach people to become self-sufficient meditators. No more need for apps or YouTube! Their carefully designed Learn to Meditate course will teach you the ancient art of Vedic mantra meditation - a silent eyes closed practice with life-changing benefits.
Plus they offer FREE lifetime support for everyone who learns with them. This is their commitment to building a community of meditators and to spread the amazing benefits and positivity that Vedic mantra meditation can provide to individuals and wider society.
To find out why hundreds of thousands of people around the world practice this technique to help improve stress, anxiety, sleep, energy, focus, clarity, creativity & more check out www.genzenmeditation.com and follow them on Instagram @genzenmeditationuk
The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. V3 Apparel and Gen Zen Meditation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the information provided. The use of any information provided is solely at your own risk.